Moyross Residents Alliance

Mra Thanks Goverment


Documentary Dvd was sent to Limerick City Council and Regeneration Offices. We would like to thank Limerick City Council on the work they have done in the cleaning of this property it is much appreciated by the residents of Delmege Park. Vice Chairperson Martin O Halloran MRA.


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Thanking the Limerick City Council on the great job they done in taking numbers 44 and 46 either side of bungalow 45 in Delmege Park which were rat infested and full of water and caused anti-social behaviour. Deirdre Murphy MRA


Mr Pat Murphy tenant of Delmege Park would like to thank Limerick City Council and Tinnelly's for the marvelous work they are doing on his wall.


Tom Baker would like to thank Limerick City Council for the excellent work they have done on the demolition of boarded houses either side of his home which was in the documentary sent to Limerick City Council and Regeneration Offices.


Founder and Chairperson Tommy Daly and MRA Committee

